Nano & Porous Materials Lab.

Paper Highlights

[2024]Advanced Healthcare Materials
2024, 13, 7, 2470050 (IF=10)
Zirconium‐Based Metal‐Organic Framework Capable of Binding Proinflammatory Mediators in Hydrogel Form Promotes Wound Healing Process through a Multiscale Adsorption Mechanism.

[2021] Journal of the American Chemical Society(Front Cover)
2021, 143, 22, 8232-8236 (IF=14.612)
Exploiting the Specific Isotope-Selective Adsorption of Metal–Organic Framework for Hydrogen Isotope Separation

[2023] Journal of the American Chemical Society
2023,145,5, 3101-3107 (IF=16.383)
Effect of Spatial Heterogeneity on the Unusual Uptake Behavior of Multivariate Metal−Organic Frameworks

[2021] Advanced Science
2021, 8, 1-9 (IF=15.84)
Metal-organic fragments with adhesive excipient units and their utilization to stabilize multimetallic electrocatalysts for high activity and robust durability in oxygen evolution reaction

[2022] Science advances
2022, 8, 16, 1-12 (IF=14.136).
Single metal-organic framework–embedded nanopit arrays: A new way to control neural stem cell differentiation

[2020] Energy & Environmental Science (Inside Cover)
2020, 13, 519 - 526 (IF=33.250)
A Highly Active, Robust Photocatalyst Heterogenized in Discrete Cages of Metal-Organic Polyhedra for CO2 Reduction

Zirconium‐Based Metal‐Organic Framework Capable of Binding Proinflammatory Mediators in Hydrogel Form Promotes Wound Healing Process through a Multiscale Adsorption Mechanism.
U. Ryu#, P. Chien#, S. Jang, X. Trinh,H. Lee, L. Van Anh, X. Zhang, N. Giang, N. Van Long, S. Nam*, C. Heo*, K. Choi*, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024, 13, 7 (IF=10)

Increasing CO Binding Energy and Defects by Preserving Cu Oxidation State via O2‑Plasma-Assisted N Doping on CuO Enables High C2+ Selectivity and Long-Term Stability in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
D. Park#, J. Choi#, H. Chun#, H. Jang, H. Lee, W. Choi, B. Moon, K. Kim, M. Kim, K. Choi*, B. Han*, J. Kang*, ACS CATALYSIS, 2023, 13, 9222-9233 (IF=13.7)

Metal-organic fragments with adhesive excipient units and their utilization to stabilize multimetallic electrocatalysts for high activity and robust durability in oxygen evolution reaction
W. Choi#, K. Kim, H. Lee, J. Choi, D. Park, G. Kim, K. Choi*, J. Kang*, Advanced Science, 2021, 8(2100044), 1-9 (IF=16.806)

Autogenous production and stabilization of highly loaded subnanometric particles within multishell hollow metal-organic frameworks and their utilization for high performance in Li-O2 batteries
W. Choi#, B. Moon, D. Park, J. Choi, K. Kim, J. Shin, M. Kim, K. Choi*, and J. Kang*, Advanced Science, 2020, 7, 2000283 (IF=16.806)

Exploiting Dynamic Opening of Apertures in Partially Fluorinated MOF for Enhancing H2 Desorption Temperature and Isotope Separation
L. Zhang#, S. Jee#, J. Park, M. Jung, D. Wallacher, A. Franz, W. Lee, M. Yoon, K. Choi*, M. Hirscher*, H. Oh*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 50 (IF=15.419)